Before dyeing yarn in whatsoever fashion you will demand to put it up into hanks.

Hanks are best stored twisted effectually themselves similar this.

Dyeing yarn in a hank, (rather than a ball) ensures that the colour can attain every strand, and inserting 'leases' in the hank prevents tangling and makes unwinding it a far more than pleasant experience. The finer the yarn, or bigger the hank, the more leases I add. That's considering I have horrible memories of trying to untangle hanks of very fine yarn that had been dyed without adding plenty separating leases. The only selection in some cases is to cutting into the threads, or to throw away what y'all can't salve. Which is pretty eye-breaking after spending and so much time and energy prepping and dyeing the yarn. Not to mention the cost of the yarn.

I idea it might exist useful to become through the steps required for making a hank.

I'm going to hash out two alternative tools which make the process like shooting fish in a barrel, only a straight chair back, or a willing pair of arms can also be used.

Using a Niddy-Noddy

The start tool is a 'Niddy Noddy'; mine is a sample size and makes hanks of about a half a metre length. Bigger versions are available for working with larger quantities of yarn. With a hack saw and a tape measure y'all can make your own using plastic 20mm piping from B&Q. Take a look online, there are several tutorials for this.

Niddy Noddy with a hank wound onto it

Start by loosely tying the end of the yarn around the eye pole of the Niddy-Noddy. Concord the Niddy-Noddy with the fundamental pole upright. So take the yarn under one of the end bars and up to bar on the other end. Accept it over this bar, and down and under the opposite finish of the first bar to where y'all started. Continue to make the same circuit until either the hank is thick enough, or you run out yarn.

Undo the loose knot from the central pole. Holding both ends of the yarn wrap them effectually each other, have 1 end around the hank, bring information technology back to the front end and keeping the loop effectually the yarn loose, tie the ends together with a business firm knot.

For sample hanks I usually add 3 leases, every bit follows. Cut three lengths of spare yarn. These should each be long enough to wrap almost four times around the strands of yarn in the hank. Mine were approximately 15cm. Choose a white or ecru yarn for this, or one that you know is colour fast. Fifty-fifty if you're not going to dye the hanks, be careful as coloured yarns may transfer fibres and color onto pale yarns.

Working on the long stretches of the hank divide the hank threads in half. Thread the curt length of yarn around the hank yarns in a figure of eight and then tie the ends together making sure the figure of eight is only loosely holding the yarns together. If you pull the figure of eight too tightly around the hanked yarns it will prevent them taking upwards the colour fully.

Split up the threads
Tie the lease in a loose figure of eight around the threads

Echo this twice more than, spacing the leases evenly around the hank. One time all three leases are in identify you lot can remove the hank from the Niddy-Noddy and twist it for storage.

Using a swift

Making a hank is pretty much the same on a swift as on a Niddy-Noddy, but the advantage of swifts is that they are normally adjustable so short or long hanks tin all be wound on i swift.

A swift is specially useful for unwinding the hanks into workable assurance after dyeing the yarn.

Swifts tin be fabricated of plastic, wood or metal or combinations of these materials and the 'umbrella' type are usually collapsible, merely need to exist attached to a table with a clamp. Some have a handle on the top to wind the arms around, whilst others are propelled past your hand pushing on the arms. I have a 'squirrel cage' swift, which is free-continuing and has 3 drums mounted between uprights. You put the hank over two drums, stretching it out and then that the strands are taut, and cut the leases. When you pull the yarn terminate this rolls the drums effectually and the yarn unwinds under its own momentum as yous current of air the ball.

The following steps are shown using an umbrella swift.

Beginning by tying the end of the yarn to one of the arms

Accommodate the swift to provide the circumference equal to the hank length you lot desire. Secure the yarn to one of the artillery before you first, and then swing the swift around to quickly wind the yarn into a hank. Tie at to the lowest degree three leases as described in the Niddy-Noddy method above.

Collapse the swift to remove the hank, otherwise the arms tin go aptitude or even snap.

One last affair. If you are making thick hanks, or using very fine yarns, add additional loops to the figure of eight leases, so that they pass through the the threads three, or even four times.

Passing a lease through the hank three times

Having said all that, you don't need any of these contraptions to wind a hank. A straight backed chair can be put to use by winding the hank around the back and sample hanks can exist wound around a 'coffee table' sized volume. If nothing else is to manus (or you've left the tool upstairs and its a lazy moment) you tin can fifty-fifty current of air a small hank by taking the yarn between pollex and alphabetize finger and under your elbow.

Unwinding is a little more complicated as the hank must be stretched open, which is where a swift wins easily-down. However, the most sociable way of doing unwinding a hank is by parking information technology over a friend's outstretched easily and chatting whilst yous air current the ball of yarn.

I exercise hope my instructions are articulate, and that this has taken some of the mystery out of winding yarns.